1. Connect to the ASAv
Open the Cisco ASDM Launcher and connect to the external IP of the ASAv using the administrator credentials provided by Green Cloud. This can be done from any machine which has previously been used to access the ASAv, but a Green Cloud hosted VM is the most convenient option for this procedure.
2. Save Running Configuration
After connecting, click the “Save” button in the top bar of the ASDM interface.
This will ensure that any unsaved configuration changes from previous sessions are written to the ASAv’s configuration file.
After saving the running configuration, select File from the navigation bar, then “Save Running Configuration to TFTP Server”. Enter the TFTP server IP address and file path in which the configuration file will be saved, then click Save Configuration.
Once the ASAv configuration has been exported, the ASDM software can be upgraded.
3. Update ASDM Software
Note: If your ASAv software image is below 9.10 (9.9 or older), please contact Green Cloud Support to make sure your ASAv has enough RAM to complete the upgrade process.
From a Green Cloud hosted IaaS VM, open a web browser and navigate to http://static.grncld.com/ciscoimages/asdm-openjre-7141-48.bin. Save the image to the VM, and transfer it to the machine which is being used to manage the ASAv if necessary. Then, from the Home window in ASDM, select Tools from the navigation bar, then “Upgrade Software from Local Computer”.
Next to “Image to Upload”, select “ASDM” from the dropdown menu.
Select “Browse Local Files…” and select the “asdm-7141-48.bin” file downloaded previously. Leave the “Flash File System Path” as default, then select “Upload Image”. Once the image is uploaded, select “Yes” at the ASDM prompt. Click “Send” ad the “Preview CLI Commands” window.
Then, if the changes are successfully applied, a prompt will appear to save and exit ASDM. Re-connect to the ASAv to utilize the newest ASDM image and begin the upgrade procedure.
4. Upgrade ASAv Image
Note: If your ASAv software image is below 9.10 (9.9 or older), please contact Green Cloud Support to make sure your ASAv has enough RAM to complete the upgrade process.
From a GreenCloud hosted IaaS VM, open a web browser and navigate to http://static.grncld.com/ciscoimages/asa9-14-2-8-smp-k8.bin. Save the image to the VM, and transfer it to the machine which is being used to manage the ASAv if necessary. Then, from the Home window in ASDM, select Tools from the navigation bar, then “Upgrade Software from Local Computer”.
Next to “Image to Upload”, select “ASA” from the dropdown menu.
Select “Browse Local Files…” and select the “asa9-14-2-8-smp-k8.bin” file which was previously downloaded. Then select “Browse Flash…” and enter the file name manually if it does not automatically populate, then select “Upload Image”.
Once the upload is complete, ASDM will provide a prompt to set the new image as the boot image. Select “Yes.”
An Information window will show that the device configuration has been updated. Click “OK” in this window, and close the upload window.
5. Reload ASAv
A new window will ask to verify the reload details. Select “Save the running configuration at time of reload”, then choose a time to reload. This can be done immediately or delayed until a more convenient maintenance window.
Once the reload is in progress, a Reload Status window will appear.
Exit ASDM by using the “Exit ASDM” button. Once the reload is complete, ASDM can be used to re-connect to the ASAv to verify the current software version. As always, if any issues arise during the upgrade feel free to contact the on-call support representative at support@gogreencloud.com or (877) 465-1217.