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VSPC – Clients

There are two categories within Clients in VSPC: Companies and Discovery.

  • Companies allows management of the partner’s child accounts and the Locations within those child accounts
  • Discovery allows the partner to scan the Locations that exist in the above section for protected or unprotected endpoints, and create/manage Veeam backups for those endpoints

Clients Overview

Veeam Resellers have the ability to manage their Clients through VSPC. This allows Green Cloud partners to view all Veeam installations across all of their Clients through a single management interface. Each Client in VSPC should correspond to one end user/Customer child account in the Green Cloud Partner Portal ( Each Client can have multiple Locations, and user accounts can be administered from any of those levels. See below for a diagram of the relationship between these types of VSPC accounts.


The Companies screen contains all Companies that exist under your Reseller account. There is a Search Bar at the top of the screen, along with filters for Company Type (vCloud Director or Native).

VSPC Administrators can create, edit, enable/disable, and remove Companies. More Company Management tasks can be found below.

Company Management

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